Fully-Featured ADS-B Compliance Package for TCAS-II Equipped Learjets
ST02455SE was crafted specifically for Learjets with TCAS-II, and applies to the Model 31/31-A, 35/35-A, 36/36-A, and 60. Using state-of-the-art Garmin parts, the package integrates seamlessly with existing equipment, and allows full ADS-B functionality.

Standard Equipment
The installation replaces existing transponders with the GTX-3000, a TCAS-II compatible Mode-S transponder. The GTX-3000 integrates with change 7.0 or later TCAS-II Systems and Controller / Radio Tuning Units. The GDL-88 Sensor / Data Link supplies WAAS-GPS positional information to the GTX-3000 for ADS-B (Out) compliance. The GDL-88 interfaces to the Flight Stream 210 for ADS-B (In) functionality to portable electronic devices.
Optional Equipment for ADS-B “In”
- Garmin Flight Stream 210 – View »
When ST02455SE is configured for ADS-B “In”, the Flight Stream 210 allows ADS-B “In” information received by the GDL® 88 to be sent via BlueTooth™ to compatible portable electronic devices (including the iPad). This allows valuable advisory-level information, including traffic and weather broadcasts, to be viewed in the cockpit – with no subscription fees.